How important is commitment?

Staying committed is one of the most fundamental principles of success. When setting goals for example, which can vary from leading a healthier life, having better relationships or achieving results at work, commitment remains an essential. The…

The Power of Goals

Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them? Did you know that only around 3% of us actually have our goals written down. Goals improve your chances of success Research suggests that the 3%…

Coaching – Just a few of the benefits!

Coaching has positively impacted my life and I am 100% confident it can do the same for you. Working for a multinational company, receiving the best training available, I was wondering why I wasn’t making the progress I wanted to, towards…

Get unstuck – name the emotion

If you are feeling overwhelmed by emotions that are not resourceful to you, that are stopping you being at your best, take a moment to name the emotion you are feeling. This changes the brain activation levels, lowering the emotions in…